Chasing Butterflies...
"In time you will find that to be happy with someone else, you first need to not need that person. You will also find that the person you love, or think you love, who doesn't want to have anything to do with you, is not the person for your life. You will learn to like yourself, to take care of yourself. The secret is not to chase after butterflies; it's to take care of the garden so that they come to you. In the end, you will find not who you were looking for, but who was looking for you."
Anonymous....taken from Mel's blog.
I was just over in Mel's world and read this quote and knew I had to post it. For those of you who don't know me this is a battle I fight every hour of every day. It is hard to love yourself and take care of yourself when you feel like you are all alone and no one cares about you or what you do. I have let so many people shit on me and rip my heart open that some days I wonder if there is anything left. I remember what it feels like to love yourself and to be loved but I haven't had that in so long that it seems like it happened to someone else. I think I'm at the point that I just want to say fuck it all I give up....not on myself but on everyone else. Maybe it is time for me to only focus on me. If you don't expect anything from anyone they can't disappoint you....right?
It's not that you shouldn't expect things from people, but you shouldn't NEED them to do these things in order for you to be happy. You should expect the people in your life to love you and treat you with respect. And when they don't (because there will always be times when people mess up or aren't who you thought they were), it's okay to be disappointed or sad. BUT you should not feel disappointed in yourself, that YOU failed somehow and that's why that person mistreated you.
Your happiness comes from within. If you depend on others to define your happiness and mental health, you will almost certainly be unhappy. That's why you do need to focus on yourself--if you're focusing on someone else's happiness, then you're wasting your time, because you can't force someone to be happy either.
You deserve to expect things from those who care about you, but you also have to expect the same things from yourself.
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