Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Crisis #3,521-b

So there I was, sitting at my desk at work examining my split ends because, why wouldn't I be? And all of a sudden I was taken back in time to 8th grade at Eaglecrest High School in Aurora, Colorado. My best friend Jen and I were walking up the stairs behind one of the most popular girls in school, Sheila Otto. When upon closer examination we noticed that her Jennifer Anniston classic Friends haircut was littered with white dots. No, not dandruff or lice but SPLIT ENDS, millions of them. So this brings me to my question: Sheila, why did you not cut your hair throughout high school? Answer the question. Upon this horrifying trip down memory lane today I realized - my split ends have split ends! Seeing that this is completely unacceptable I placed an emergency phone call to my beloved hair dresser and friend Rhonda, who could tell by the tone in my voice the magnitude of the situation and slipped me into the chair 2 hours later! A special thanks goes out to Rhonda, thank you for saving my friends as well as strangers from a visual such as the one of Sheila, that plagues me till this day.


Blogger begins with v said...

Just goes to show that the most popular girls are not always what they seem...I would think that finding splitends on a popular girl would have made me jump for joy! But then again, I still harbor resentment for the middle-school beauty queens who never gave me the time of day.

2:18 PM  

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