On my last nerve
So today was special. I was fortunate enough to have to curtail my wine consumption last night in order to be at the hospital for testing this morning at 7:00 a.m. The morning started off with a "simple" ultrasound of those God damn infected kidneys. To my surprise, they have to look at your kidneys through your abdomen because your ribs apparently block the view of them from your back. O.k. so no big deal right, pregnant chics look so happy when their getting their ultrasound. WRONG. They didn't tell me that they have to push so hard on your stomach and side to get a "clear" view that it takes your breath away. So after that pleasurable wake up call I headed over to the neurology department to get a nerve study done on both of my wrists - lingering pain from the car accident in February. Another well kept secret - this hurts like hell too! They sent electric shocks into my arms that go up to your neck and back and back down to the point of origin - what the fuck man! My arms were flailing around and at times my whole body jumped off the bed. So by 8:00 a.m. my whole body was trembling and I was one pissed off bitch! I apologize for all of the blogs involving my crazy health issues but that seems to be the theme to 2005 - Injuries and Illnesses of Queenie.
Damn, I am new & reading backwards but sorry to hear about that visit. Damn doctors are full of little painful (to the patients) secrets.
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