Today has been chaotic to say the least. First of all, apparently people (NIGHT TIME/WEEKEND MANAGMENT) don't feel it is important to come into work when they are scheduled to! No big deal really, I mean the people who have already been there since 7:00 or 8:00 a.m. can stay late so you can just chill at your house until you feel like coming in, Asshole. Secondly, why don't I ever get the "Casual Friday" memo, I mean I love wearing slacks and heals everyday guys, why would I want to wear shorts and tennis shoes? Thirdly, my gay cousin is having his "Wedding" on August 20th in Denver. I really wanted to go and love my cousin and his boyfriend dearly but I am flat broke. All of my friends seem to be getting married this year and I am in each of the weddings. So not only do I have to fly to Denver and take time off work but then they pick the most expensive bride's maid's dresses known to man. It is going to cost me almost $900.00 to celebrate my college roommate's wedding. I am happy for you sweety but God damn I could go on a cruise or to Europe for that! So now that I already have 3 trips to Denver this year (I usually only go home once a year) my extended family is laying the guilt trip on me to make it to his commitment ceremony or forever damage our relationship. Fuck! As if the financial issue isn't enough, I am supposed to be moving that weekend. Yes, I know that a wedding is far more important than moving but lets remember that I am a single female who drives a little convertible Cabrio - how the hell am I going to move myself. My roommate has told me that if I'm not here on the weekend of the "big" move that I'll have to find someone else with a truck to help me the week before and I can leave my stuff in the garage until I get back from Denver! Fine 679 trips later I'm sure I'll be moved in and comfortable. All of this chaos led me to eat 2 candy bars today, which in turn has also made me feel horribly guilty and fat! So the bottom line is that I am setting up a Save Queenie's Sanity Fund. Feel free to make monetary contributions or donations in the form of Bud Light or gin.
I'd donate, but I spent all my money moving myself.
If you pay to fly me there and buy me beer, I can help you move. It can be any weekend, you just have to pay for a U-haul. In the meantime, find some rich guy to pay for all this.
Surprisingly, I agree with Rat on finding a rich guy :) But, in the meantime, you know my truck is available for your use.
Why not tell the gay cousin that you need some financial help if he wants you there - gay men always have plenty of disposal money!
I agree. People should freakin' sponsor us to come to their weddings. At least 50 cents per mile . . .
awww girlfriend! I guess work is just not the same without kitkat!
And I know what you mean about the casual friday thing...that happened to me a few times at work...and yes, it will always happen in the summer when it is hot as hell and you are wearing black slacks while everyone else is nice and cool in their shorts!
Can you just be honest with your family and tell them how broke you are?? I know this can be yucky, but I'd tell them that unless they wanted to pay for me to come, then I couldn't afford it...good luck!
You guys are funny, thanks for the support. And Rat, if I could afford to fly you here I could afford to fly myself to Denver and wouldn't be so stressed - but thanks anyway.
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