The big meeting
So, for those of you who read diary of a psycho soccer mom's blog, you'll love this. For those of you who don't, you should, she's fabulous (her link is on the bottom left side of this page). Anyway, Mel is on her way down here to Florida, Fernandina Beach. I live in Jacksonville but lived in Fernandina for over a year when I first came down to Florida. So kitkat, Mel and I thought it would be cool to get together while she is here for drinks or something ;) As you can imagine, when Mel was considering letting her husband bring another chick along, kitkat and I were pumped by the prospect of a very interesting holiday weekend! Unfortunately, today Mel informed us that it may be too tricky to meet on this trip - her husband doesn't know about her blog! How would she explain 2 girls who show up to hang out and happen to know her a little better than the average local? So I'll keep y'all posted - we have thought of a couple of ways to "bump" into her but it's not looking promising.
Hey, we could tell G that Melanie was trying to pick us up for a 4-some!
old high school / college friends!
They are psychics - have them sit on the street corner with weird wizrd looking clothes & start to give you a reading & when they know all this stuff about Melanie, they have to be invited along for a few drinks.
SCIENCE demands an explanation!!!!
UPDATE! Tis is what I typed to Melanie**
I figured it out - read Queenie's post - you should have them dress as wacky psychics & then "as a lark" stop and have them read your palm, rub your forehead, whatever & then start spewing out all this information. Or better yet, maybe they can be Breasts psychics. They have to rub your breasts - each psychic has to hold a breast simultaneously to make it work - also would explain why it will not work too much on G. Then, in the phenomenon of the moment you have to invite them along for drinks. Any two girls that want to rub my girlfriend's breasts can come for drinks no matter what. This dubious plausible explanation would even give me a good scientific reason to let yourbreasts be further explored for more topics of common knowledge in your life.
rat, your photo is creeping me out.
Well, I always got my ass kicked at Scrabble by chicks who can make 3,000 point words with 3 letters so you're freaking me out, too!
queenie...i was talking to kitkat the other day on the phone and she was telling me about this possible have to take lots of pics if the meeting goes through! I'm so jealous, wish I could be there.
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