Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Well, we didn't hear from Mel yet. But I'm sure she's not a happy camper - it has been raining in Jacksonville off and on all weekend, definitely interrupting beach time for sure. We haven't lost all hope yet though, she is down here for at least another week so you never know! It's kind of odd, the prospect of meeting, blogging is such a "safe" outlet simply because your identity is concealed. Oh well, I would still like to meet, I think Mel and I would get along great.


Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

With the two cool profile pics you ladiues chose, you have to mesh! The blog gods deem it!

Hopefully you all have a bash if you meet.

In the meantime, just think of her walking around all wet.

11:37 PM  
Blogger kris said...

Yikes on that last comment!

I have often wondered if bloggers and bloggettes met up online. You and kit seem like so much fun - melanie too - I hope it works out, and that you get some SUNSHINE!!!

8:29 PM  

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