Some Damn Good Advice!
So today I'm sitting here at work, bored to tears - everyone has gone home but me, and I start reading a random site that was actually a link off of someone else's blog: In one of his posts he talked about a quote someone told him that I really liked, "I am a big believer in unintentional consequences." How awesome is this! It is so true but so commonly forgotten. Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you.
He also posted about negative people and I thought it really corresponded with one of my previous blogs about how "Beingness attracts Beingness." This is what he had to say:
"We all know people who have had abusive relationships and still claim that "a part of them will always love" the person who repeatedly did them wrong.
Holy dear sweet baby Jesus in a blender, that is agonizing to hear. Cut the cord already. If anyone in your life isn't making your life better or having their life made better by your help, they should drop like a box of doorknobs back into whatever steaming pile of non-achievement they have created for themselves. Seriously. I understand human compassion (and am told I was even capable of it at one time), but you have to draw the line somewhere. If you dont, there is a 100% chance that you will end up like them. Keeping them around so you can observe their lives like some kind of industrial disaster is okay, though. Just keep a safe distance.
So everybody think right now to that one person who has caused you nothing but inconvenience and/or pain. Now call or e-mail him or her and tell him or her that you will no longer be needing them to suck your soul dry. You'll be much happier."
I love this! I definitely need to heed his advice, don't you all agree? However, we all know that I am a little too gunshy to actually make contact with these people so I'll just say it on here, where it's safe, since we know they couldn't possibly take time out from their abusive partying to read this. Fuck you Laine, Kirk, Chris and Boob Job - I hope you all reap what you sow and rot in hell.