Thursday, June 30, 2005

The big meeting

So, for those of you who read diary of a psycho soccer mom's blog, you'll love this. For those of you who don't, you should, she's fabulous (her link is on the bottom left side of this page). Anyway, Mel is on her way down here to Florida, Fernandina Beach. I live in Jacksonville but lived in Fernandina for over a year when I first came down to Florida. So kitkat, Mel and I thought it would be cool to get together while she is here for drinks or something ;) As you can imagine, when Mel was considering letting her husband bring another chick along, kitkat and I were pumped by the prospect of a very interesting holiday weekend! Unfortunately, today Mel informed us that it may be too tricky to meet on this trip - her husband doesn't know about her blog! How would she explain 2 girls who show up to hang out and happen to know her a little better than the average local? So I'll keep y'all posted - we have thought of a couple of ways to "bump" into her but it's not looking promising.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

My Wedding

In case some of you didn't know, I am a wedding planner/event coordinator. Well twice in the last week I have had a nightmare about my own wedding - crazy because I don't even have a boyfriend! And when I say nightmare I do mean it, I wake up totally nauseous and stressed out, imagine that. In the first dream I am marrying my boyfriend from 5 years ago, who I haven't even talked to in 3 years. In the dream we didn't even officially get back together we just were getting married and right back in the good times. In the second dream I'm not even sure who I was marrying. The common theme in these dreams is my lack of preparedness. I forget to order the flowers, centerpieces, the food, send out all the invites, etc. Not only that but I always seem to run out of time on the wedding day and I don't have time to shower or do my hair or something. This is very bizarre for me - I am a planner, very organized and detail oriented. These dreams stick with me throughout the entire day too. I can't figure out what all of this means but it freaks me out. Maybe I'm running out of time to meet the right guy!!! Or maybe all of my friends should stop getting married and asking me to be in their damn weddings - "Always a bride's maid never a bride." OR "Those who can not wed, plan!" I'm doomed.

On my last nerve

So today was special. I was fortunate enough to have to curtail my wine consumption last night in order to be at the hospital for testing this morning at 7:00 a.m. The morning started off with a "simple" ultrasound of those God damn infected kidneys. To my surprise, they have to look at your kidneys through your abdomen because your ribs apparently block the view of them from your back. O.k. so no big deal right, pregnant chics look so happy when their getting their ultrasound. WRONG. They didn't tell me that they have to push so hard on your stomach and side to get a "clear" view that it takes your breath away. So after that pleasurable wake up call I headed over to the neurology department to get a nerve study done on both of my wrists - lingering pain from the car accident in February. Another well kept secret - this hurts like hell too! They sent electric shocks into my arms that go up to your neck and back and back down to the point of origin - what the fuck man! My arms were flailing around and at times my whole body jumped off the bed. So by 8:00 a.m. my whole body was trembling and I was one pissed off bitch! I apologize for all of the blogs involving my crazy health issues but that seems to be the theme to 2005 - Injuries and Illnesses of Queenie.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


O.k. so I'm back from my extended absence. On June 4th I left Jacksonville for a work conference in Wheeling West Virginia. From there I flew straight to Denver for one of my best friend's wedding. Talk about a wild wild that the adventure was wrapped up with me so seriously ill that I should have been hospitalized! Now, three weeks later I am on some nice pain pills and beginning to recover from everything so I figured I would check in on my blog. I'm not even sure where to begin. I guess we'll start with the conference.

The Conference:
It was an IAAM conference, International Association of Assembly Managers. Each member of our huge 4 person event staff has been through this program, me being the final one. It is a week long "school" that is held in the mountains of West Virginia at a resort that resembles the one on Dirty Dancing. It is a two year program that certifies you in Public Assembly Facility Management. Everyone that I work with has raved about this opportunity, two of us go each year, one first year and one second year. I got to go with my friend Pam whom I party with anyway so I knew we would have fun. However, I had no idea how much fun we would really have! Let me just say that the "Library" is a sports bar and that the instructors are the last ones to leave at 2:00 a.m.! This "school" is a huge party/networking dream. I met so many awesome people there and can't wait to go back next year. Plus, if you've read KitKat's blog - I am the coworker who almost lost her job a month ago, fine, I just made some amazing contacts and am really not worried about finding another one.

The Wedding:
At 3:00 a.m., still drunk and partying I loaded my suitcases on a tram in Wheeling West Virginia to head for the Pittsburgh airport to fly to Denver for a 10 a.m. bridal shower. Need I say more about that flight. At 9:50 a.m. my mom whisked me from the airport straight to the bridal shower - I looked like I had been run over by a bus, was completely hung over and had not slept in 40 hours. In this condition no one should be forced to walk into a Stepford type situation with smiling, bubbling faces, white sun dresses and mini pastries. Once I was released from my duties there I finally grabbed a couple hours of sleep before the wedding madness began. We had so much to do - nails, toes, hair appointments, etc. Just as we had all walked down the aisle we heard a crack of thunder and the sky opened up, it started pouring rain. I found it quite amusing and the bride was calm about it so it turned out alright. We simply and smoothly moved inside to the reception area and started the whole thing over. All in all, despite the raspberry dress and shoes the wedding turned out to be beautiful and very fun.

The Illness:
The morning after the wedding I woke up at 5:00 a.m. with an excruciating pain in my right lower back. I told my parents that I thought my kidney was failing and they laughed at me calling me a hypochondriac. The pain intensified each day but I killed it with my handy loratabs. Finally Thursday night after going to a comedy show I started feeling really weird. My roommate thought I was just really drunk, off of my 2 drinks that night? I started getting delirious and sweating profusely, a 102 degree fever. My whole body ached and I couldn't move. Needless to say I didn't make it to work the next day and went to the doctor. She looked at me like I was insane and asked me if I had any idea how serious my condition was. Apparently the back pain that began 6 days earlier was a severe kidney infection that usually required hospitalization! Who knew? My doctor, who knows me pretty well unfortunately, understood my resistance to that idea and gave me some strong antibiotics and recommended a shot to jump start the process. Let me just say, for the following 3 days I barely moved and definitely didn't leave the house. Ladies, take care of yourselves if ya know what I mean. This kidney infection was the worst pain I have ever experienced in my whole life!